Kim Ekholm

I'm an inventive full-stack developer focusing on easy-to-use software. I understand the challenges of modern development and excel at finding solutions to unique problems.


In my opinion, a website or other software needs to work properly before being released. This is why I always test the code relentlessly before release, there is nothing more infuriating than a feature not working properly for an end user.


Tech stack Python, JS, Node.js, React, LAMP, HTML, CCS, SASS, Git, GitLab, Docker
OS Arch & Win10
IDEs JetBrains suite
Spoken languages English, Finnish, Swedish
Office suites G-suite, MS Office, Libre Office



Vocational College

Vocational qualification in Information and Communications Technology at Prakticum. Essentially Full-stack web development with some networking, 3D modeling, and server maintenance on the side.

Dual qualification

In addition to my studies at Prakticum, I also completed the matriculation exams (Math, English, Swedish, Finnish) to achieve a double qualification. I was one of only 2 out of ~20 students to complete both within the set timeframe.



I've been active in Spanarna scouting organization since 2013 and acted as a scout leader since 2019. Currently, I'm elected equipment trustee ie. responsible for gear, transportation, apartment, and the Website. Additionally, I'm in charge of setting up and maintaining G-suit to improve collaboration and communication both internally and externally. Spanarna's website can be found here.

Learning on-the-job

I've been out on "learning on the job" three times, each spell spanning 7 weeks. I was working at Handelshögskolan Haken's IT department, during my stays at Hanken, I helped develop a local development environment with Docker, WSL2, and Drupal 8 as well as working on implementing new features and patching bugs on their Drupal website (using mostly PHP).
